Otago Trip Nov 2010
Moeraki boulders, East Coast, South Island
Sam dans le vent. Pushing and pulling at the earth and the sea at the same time, there are some powerful places on Te Wai Pounamu.
la côte est
Fleurs Place [sic], in Moeraki, a real seafood feast!!!
Dunedin Botanical Gardens
Otago (prononcez Otâgo, accent sur le "a" mais avec le son ô) Peninsula
NZ = moutons... comme dans le stéréotype. Ceux-ci sont absolument charmants.
Yes it's true, there actually are 5 or 6 sheep in New Zealand... the other ones are out of frame in this shot, but they are all very lovely and entertaining.
Sea Lion/Lion de mer. I would have let the 400 lbs of tooth, fat and fur have his nap, but this guy really wanted to get an interview.
Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown (Ski resort, central Otago)
Sam au Lake Moke near Queenstown
Stunning landscape / Paysages à couper le souffle...
The controversial, apocryphal, but very decent Palm Lily, "Cabbage Tree", which is actually neither palm, lily, cabbage nor tree, but actually related to flax... Un membre de la famille du lin, believe it or not.
Mountains, Glaciers, Glacial Lakes
Lac glacier, couleur hallucinante
Lupins sur fond de neiges éternelles, Lake Tekapo
Sam on a backdrop of Lupins and the Church of the Good Shepherd, Tekapo.
Moeraki boulders, East Coast, South Island
Sam dans le vent. Pushing and pulling at the earth and the sea at the same time, there are some powerful places on Te Wai Pounamu.
la côte est
Fleurs Place [sic], in Moeraki, a real seafood feast!!!
Dunedin Botanical Gardens
Otago (prononcez Otâgo, accent sur le "a" mais avec le son ô) Peninsula
NZ = moutons... comme dans le stéréotype. Ceux-ci sont absolument charmants.
Yes it's true, there actually are 5 or 6 sheep in New Zealand... the other ones are out of frame in this shot, but they are all very lovely and entertaining.
Sea Lion/Lion de mer. I would have let the 400 lbs of tooth, fat and fur have his nap, but this guy really wanted to get an interview.
Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown (Ski resort, central Otago)
Sam au Lake Moke near Queenstown
Stunning landscape / Paysages à couper le souffle...
The controversial, apocryphal, but very decent Palm Lily, "Cabbage Tree", which is actually neither palm, lily, cabbage nor tree, but actually related to flax... Un membre de la famille du lin, believe it or not.
Mountains, Glaciers, Glacial Lakes
Lac glacier, couleur hallucinante
Lupins sur fond de neiges éternelles, Lake Tekapo
Sam on a backdrop of Lupins and the Church of the Good Shepherd, Tekapo.